Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weigh In 5

Not good. Major set back - I gained back the 2.4 that I had lost last week. This was a strange week. My blood sugars were high every morning, and I wasn't feeling good. Lots of eating out and no journaling at all two days. On Fridays we have movie night, and girls picked pizza for dinner- unfortunately so did I, old style.

Arghh - frustrated. This honesty/transparency thing is hard.

I have a busy fundraising week ahead at work (= extra long days & lots of food around) and then we head out to a family camp next weekend, so I really was hoping to at least maintain. But, looking over the week - can't really expect that when I know I had at least 3 days where I went over my calories.

But let's not completely focus on the negatives. My supplements/medications don't seem to be upsetting my stomach anymore, and the last two days my morning blood sugars look like they're coming back down. Found out my iron levels are coming up - slowly but surely - and I've been referred to an internist to deal with my apparent domino effect of health issues these past few months. Don't know if that last one qualifies as a positive, but I'm trying to remain hopeful that this Dr. will actually be able to get to the root everything.

I got a chance to try out the Jillian's 30 day shred yesterday - and heaven help me, I couldn't believe what looked so simple totally did shred my muscles. I got up this morning so sore. I'm thinking it works. I'll have to buy that DVD ..oh and a sports bra - jumping jacks are rough on a big girls goods!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, saw your blog on the Healthy You Challenge and thought I'd say hello.
    Looks like you're just starting out with your new plan! Don't let these little setbacks get to you too much. We ALL have them - even those who go on to lose hundreds of pounds! The trick is to shake off the bad weeks and right back on plan.
