Sunday, August 16, 2009

Green Monster Smoothie

I've seen these around, and honestly thought they looked gross and dismissed them as some health freak, bitter green goop (sorry ya'll).

But after reading round the blogs and seeing the nutritional punch this smoothie has over at girl get strong, particularly the amount of iron in it - this iron deficient girl had to give it a go. And what do you know, I actually have all the ingredients on hand.

Now you do have to be a bit careful, 'cause though some of the variations out there sound yummy, make sure you calculate the nutritional info on these, some of them are HEFTY on the calories and fat - but then if you're a smoothie for a meal kind of person, this is likely right up your alley.

The one I found particularly reasonable in the ingredients and nutrition was from she-fit and goes like this:

1 frozen banana

1c 1% milk

2c spinach

1/2 c frozen blueberries

6 ice cubes

1 pkt stevia (or to taste)

This one has that green color, and is 224.8 cal, 42 carb, 3.2 fat, 4.2 fiber and 12% of your recommended iron intake, and only 4 WW points. But it made a nice batch so I had 1/2 after dinner and 1/2 for breakfast this morning. booyah!

I have to admit - it was pretty good. Now if I could get my kids to drink this stuff. They are on a green food boycott - yeah even the 18 month old - whatever. So I'll have to get a different variation for the kiddos - but if I can get them to take in some spinach or kale - yeah, I have to give it a go.

Weigh In 5

Not good. Major set back - I gained back the 2.4 that I had lost last week. This was a strange week. My blood sugars were high every morning, and I wasn't feeling good. Lots of eating out and no journaling at all two days. On Fridays we have movie night, and girls picked pizza for dinner- unfortunately so did I, old style.

Arghh - frustrated. This honesty/transparency thing is hard.

I have a busy fundraising week ahead at work (= extra long days & lots of food around) and then we head out to a family camp next weekend, so I really was hoping to at least maintain. But, looking over the week - can't really expect that when I know I had at least 3 days where I went over my calories.

But let's not completely focus on the negatives. My supplements/medications don't seem to be upsetting my stomach anymore, and the last two days my morning blood sugars look like they're coming back down. Found out my iron levels are coming up - slowly but surely - and I've been referred to an internist to deal with my apparent domino effect of health issues these past few months. Don't know if that last one qualifies as a positive, but I'm trying to remain hopeful that this Dr. will actually be able to get to the root everything.

I got a chance to try out the Jillian's 30 day shred yesterday - and heaven help me, I couldn't believe what looked so simple totally did shred my muscles. I got up this morning so sore. I'm thinking it works. I'll have to buy that DVD ..oh and a sports bra - jumping jacks are rough on a big girls goods!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back to School Shopping

I love back to school shopping. Having two little girls - that could be trouble in years to come. In fact, this year I've already had a little taste of it.

Girlie 1 is going into 2nd grade and she's our little fashionista. Hubby and I joke that if we're ever not sure about an outfit of our own, we check with Girlie 1. She has great fashion sense and is a heartbeat ahead of trends. Yeah you remember those girls from your school days, I was not one of them.

Girlie 2 is developing her own style two and is ecstatically entering Kindergarten this fall.

The best thing about school shopping? It's NOT for me. Don't get me wrong, I'd love it to be for me, but years ago I finally gave up on the disappointing teary eyed fitting room saga's and just don't really shop. So sad.

It's been so long, that I really have no idea what my fashion style is - the last one that I can remember? Grunge. Yeah, how's that for dating myself. But let me tell you, I wore it well...once in a galaxy far far away.

Girlies can sport all the newest styles, and work the outfits's awesome. So my non-health, completely self centered reason for getting healthy and losing for an outfit for the look and style rather than selecting from the muu-muu's on the 5 racks in the back of the store with the grandmas. *sigh*

Until then I dream...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weigh In 4

Down another 2.4! That's pretty constant. Pretty amazing too considering I still have gaps in my journaling and haven't managed to get the ball rolling where exercise is concerned.

We were on a mini vacation this week and though ate horrible compared to what I have been doing at home. It wasn't the trough fest that vacations can become. Unfortunately for me, and maybe for him too, hubby has a crazy metabolism and is a food lover like me. So for him vacation = FOOD FOOD FOOD, and has been that way for me too.

So I guess I enjoyed myself, but didn't gorge, so I'll call it progress. I would like to see a 5 lb loss week at some point. But 2 lbs a week is pretty darn great, so no complaints. We trudge on.

Will focus on ramping up exercise. Still would like to do the 30 day shred - see so many others trying it.

Have a great week!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Weigh In 3

Yes 3. And I'm down 2.6 lbs! Hurry for me. I must admit I was a bit surprised. I missed a day or two of food journaling, and exercising was non-existent.

I didn't post weigh in 2. There had been no change - none. I had stuck to my workout that week. But I suppose considering I had been out of town staying with friends - and there were ooey gooey cinnamon rolls - yes I had one - it could have been worse.

As a self professed carbaholic I know that the key for me is sticking to whole grains and no more than 2-3 servings a day. As soon as I start eating anything white - pasta, rice - whatever, it's a struggle the rest of the day.

Yesterday was an issue all in itself - I became an almond FIEND, and let me tell you those things are not light in calories. So much for working in nuts - may have to stay away from those for a bit.

I truly believe my love affair with yogurt and fruit, like fresh melon and blueberries, has been the key to my success this week. When ravishing after work and before dinner - I snacked on slices of melon - which though felt like a trough fest - didn't have nearly the calories or spike in blood sugar I usually would consume on crackers or pretzels.

I am still debating whether I want to start cooking diabetic recipes or move toward whole food - organic whenever possible. Anyone have an opinion on this?

And I'm working the supplements, in a mean way. I still haven't felt up to par taking the OTC vitamins and my prescription iron supplement. I visited an organic nutrition store - and they recommended a couple things for me after I gave my whole history of what's been going on.

The supplements I was looking for were either liquid or highly soluble. I have to admit the basic vitamin which is this little cocktail thing which I can mix in with my morning OJ is very convenient. I've been taking 1/2 c of OJ each morning with my liquid iron, and trying to work in all the tablets throughout the day. Here is what I've been taking:

Omega 3 Supplement
Ferrous Sulfate

I have never inhaled so many things in my life. But that - along with my previous awful, low nutrition diet - is probably why I have to do these things now.

Still hopeful that changing this weight will help alleviate some of my issues, and these supplements will help while I work to get there.

Next week we head out on a family getaway - there's the yummiest goodies at the resort we're staying at - not to mention our favorite vaca restaurants. Here's to re-programming vacation eating - wish me luck! And say a prayer while you're at it...