Thursday, September 10, 2009

Weigh In 7

quick check in - down 2.2.

I guess I don't understand the human body any more than my dr's. Hmm..that's a bit sarcastic.

I'll take it!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Health Stuff

I went in for some blood work, an insurance requirement now - does anyone else find that to be a little scary? topic for a different kind of post.

Anyway, found out my cholesterol is down - like WAAY down. From 225 last year this time, to 170 - all the good and bad numbers (still figuring this out) were all good. So big YAY! Means something is going right.

What's not so good? My blood glucose of course! Still elevated into the pre-diabetic range, and my own morning readings have been higher than I've ever seen them, even when I was pregnant. Grrr!

Now I will proceed with a list of excuses - just to get it out:

1. I started doing the 30 day shred. 5 days in I stopped - because I was bit by a spider! Ok, go ahead, call me weak. But that thing hurt!! and I had this huge - lets just call it a thing because it was too gross to describe, on the back of my calf. Seriously people, I was practically limping. Crazy!! So a week later, the redness is almost gone and it isn't throbbing anymore. Man!
2. I have not been following my diet. Girlies started school this week, and getting them on a schedule got me totally OFF my schedule. I even forgot to take me supplements the first two days. I have felt so scattered, and I thrive on being in control - at least perceived control :)
3. I have a cold! It finally gets nice out and hubby is ACTUALLY off on a holiday weekend - and I woke up with a cold!! Totally stuffy head, earache, sore throat, runny nose - I think my chest is sore - kind of cold!

Can you hear the whining?

4. Apparently all my iron nail and OJ acid intake is taking a toll on my esophagus after 4 months, because I started having discomfort in my chest - I would say chest pains - cause that's more what it felt like, but I won't alarm you all. I started drinking a bottle of water right after the supplement mix and eased up off my other supplements, and it seemed to help - also stopped downing coffee about 1 hour after my liquid nails/OJ cocktail. I know! What am I doing to myself?

I know what you're thinking - what was the weigh in like - where is the weigh in? Well I was down 1.2 - go figure. My fat is probably still combobulating - lol that is NOT a word.

So I'm a big wimp. I will not be exercising tonight 'cause my head feels like it's going to explode. And my eating - well. I will focus on drinking lots of water and healthy stuff to shoo this cold and get back to working on improving me.

If you're still reading this - sorry for the rant & thanks for listening :)