Thursday, July 23, 2009

Do you know the muffin man?

In an attempt to use the plethora of blueberries we bought from a local farm, I have been making blueberry muffins this week. I tried two different recipes - well sort of. I am notorious for not following a recipe exactly if I don't have all the ingredients, or if I just think - that's odd.

The first batch was ok. The second batch was beautiful and yummy. But do you think I bookmark the recipe - or better yet, print it off and mark down my variations? Course not! So I'm doomed to forever dream of those blueberry muffins that I'll never recreate. Ahh well.

So on the diet front - the muffins may be bringing me down. They were low glycemic recipes - but with my variations and substitutions - not so sure. Otherwise, am doing well - working in the protein/fruitveg/grain variations well.

Have also been recording and watching old Biggest Loser episodes for motivation.

As for actually exercising - well, I'm still recovering from my overdoitweekend and subsequent gardening palooza that followed on Monday. My calves and hamstrings are still very sore. So big zero there. But I still have a few hours this evening - so there's still time to change that.

My goal is to do 3 mile walks at least 3 x per week. There was a very appealing walking plan in the Women's Day magazine that I received today, and HEY! it starts out with 3 mile walks. Coincidence? I think not! :)

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