Sunday, July 12, 2009

Stop the Resistance

Insulin Resistance

It's a term I've heard most of my adult life. Something that I thought was synonomous with pre-diabetes or prone to diabetes, and although it's very much related and even a part of, can completely wreak havoc to someone's life before any of that diabetic stuff technically takes off.

In the last 6 months I have been fatigued, depressed, had hair loss, unusual menstrations - related surgery, nausea, have dealt with daily anxiety - well let's just say my mind and body has been protesting and I've strugged to function daily.

I few months back the doctors found that my iron stores were extremely low and I've been on a supplement now. But after three months, I still was strugging with the same symptoms. So this week I saw the endocrinologist, not a stranger to me since I've had to see one during each pregnancy dealing with gestational diabetes. But this time we talked about treating my insulin resistance.


That was new to me. I mean they always mentioned it during my pregnancy, but I didn't think it was something that could be treated. I just always assumed it was just this telltale thing that was warning me that one day I would have to deal with diabetes - type 2.

Could this be the source of my problems? So I've been researching, reading, learning - and was surprised to find forums of people telling their stories that were SO similar to my experience, if not exact.

So what is this blog? It's my story. It's my journal to vent, to document everything I'm learning, to keep me accountable - to measure progress.

'Cause I have to take this by the horns and get through this, to be better than this. If you're reading this, have gone through this, or just curious - you are so welcome to follow me on this journey.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beckya, I'm new to your blog.. found you today via the HYC. I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago. Insulin resistance/weight gain are the symptoms I struggle with the most. My gyn dealt with the menstrual stuff (no pregnancy required, so no metformin, I'm on a slow dose progesterone)

    I empathize. Have you found ? It really helped me in the beginning.

    As for the insulin resistance - a low carb diet really works best. I eat whole grains, and limit those per day. I don't really worry about the carbs in fruit & veg, but stay away from the refined flours and sugar.

    I've managed to lose 51 lbs since November of last year, following WW and their good health guidelines. I look forward to following you, as we share this commonality.

    Welcome to the HYC!
