Saturday, July 18, 2009

Reality Sets In

My hubby joined a Biggest Loser group at work. He's slightly overweight but is one of those people that has an incredible metabolism, or has anyway his first 37 years. So he can basically cut the grass one day and drop 5 lbs.

Anyway, he has been telling me these amazing stores - like the guy who walks 3 miles EVERY day and is down 42 lbs after 6 weeks. It seems he just gave up regular soda and eating after 8pm.

So I tell myself, for the 20th time at least, that if these people can so can I! I started watching past episodes of the biggest loser as well. Last night I watched a special edition where two restaurant families competed.

Ok, here is where reality sets in. I've never watched the show, but when I have, all these people have weighed like 250, 300, 400. On this particular episode watching the initial weigh ins, I realized. Some of these people weigh less than I do.

Suddenly all the comments they were making about how the weight was taking decades off their lives, the health risks....all of it hit me hard. Real hard.

I'm obese. My BMI is currently 38.6. The highest of my life. I am out of control. I need to lose 55 lbs to just inch into the overweight category.

I had to say it. I have to see it. It is why for the past 6 months, the health impacts have become apparent. My body is telling me it can't be this way. It is giving up.

So since the Biggest Loser has helped me to this realization, I've been doing a little research.

It's entire 4-3-2-1 approach is conducive to an insulin resistant diet. Here it is, simplified by moi, so that it is written on my brain:

4 servings fruits/vegetables - no white potatoes, limited squash, corn is a grain!
3 servings of proteins - beans, LF dairy, 95% lean cuts, fish, white meat
2 servings of whole grains - at least 2g fiber, less than 5g sugar
1 serving extras - 200 cal of salad dressings, oils, LF PB, mayo, avoc, nuts, seeds

There's no choice. This is life or death now. I'm thinking I'll chose life.


  1. Best wishes with your diet. I guess we each have to find the right diet for ourselves. For me, the right diet seems to be very low in carbs, so I would skip the grains.

  2. "The Biggest Loser" can hit you where it hurts. I would see some of these people weigh and I would think, "Dear God. They weight less than me...but I look better than that, don't I?" Denial hurts.

  3. wow.. that's a very low diet. I like WW because it's sustainable. I know for me... i need to do something I can stick with for life.

    Biggest Loser really gets me too. so does a mirror. This girl (me) needs to get a full length in her house so I'm reminded that I am bigger than I feel. Maybe on the fridge door would be the best. :)

  4. Shmologna - I've done the same thing. My perception is twisted, and I have an enabler called Mr. Hubby.

    Amoslionhorse - it actually is pretty right on with WW points. I've been trying to follow the 4321 and counting points - it works out right on. Watching the risky carbs just helps keep my blood sugar levels steady and control my hunger and fat production(very key!) So far so good!
